Magento SEO & Search Marketing Services

for Magento Websites

Since 2016, at OuterBox we’ve been an eCommerce-focused SEO agency specializing in Magento SEO services and search engine marketing. With many Magento search engine optimization clients under our belt, we’re set to take on your marketing campaign and drive more traffic, sales and revenue to your Magento online store. We look forward to discussing your goals!

Magento SEO & Search Marketing Services

About Magento SEO Service

Magento SEO services refer to SEO services rendered for a website(s) operating on the Magento platform. While big-picture SEO strategies are effective across all website platforms, implementation of advanced tactics can require technical knowledge of coding or the Magento platform.

Magento Focused SEO Plans

We have proven SEO techniques that work to optimize your Magento website. Knowing what has worked in the past allows us to get the best results for your business.

Magento SEO
Magento SEO
We Know Magento

We've been working with Magento for over 10 years, so you'll know you're in good hands with an experienced SEO team.

Keyword Research for a Magento SEO Campaign

One of the most vital parts of a Magento SEO campaign is keyword research. During keyword research, we’ll investigate which keywords are most valuable to target in order to drive shoppers to your website. Whether we’re targeting a category page or product page, each page on your website will be assigned 3-5 main keywords to focus on.

Keyword research is so important because it’s the foundation of your SEO campaign. The optimization work that goes on during SEO, such as writing new content, updating content, editing title tags, and more, is all based on trying to rank your pages for the keywords chosen. If the keywords are not terms that’ll drive sales, the campaign is built on poor planning.

Magento SEO
Magento SEO that Drives the Sales You Need

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving your website and online profile to appear at the top of Google when your most important keywords are searched. For a Magento website, these are often your category names, product names, and competitive industry keywords. SEO in the eCommerce industry is an involved process, and it helps your website to not only satisfy the Google search algorithm but to build a better user experience for your customers. It’s important that you’re found but just as important that the visitor turns into a customer. It takes our SEO’s in-depth expertise of how Google and other search engines work to land top of page one results. For more insight into Magento specifically, you may want to check out our Magento SEO tips guide.

Magento SEO

As a Magento business owner or marketing director, your income is dependent on online sales. If customers don’t make it to the website and order online, you’re losing revenue. To get new customers on a daily basis and continue an upward growth trend, it’s important to have a consistent search engine optimization plan in place. As Google and other search engines make algorithm updates you need an expert like OuterBox to help you navigate those changes.

Also, if you’re considering upgrading to Magento 2 it’s very important to work with an SEO expert during the transition process to retain your current search rankings and positions. We offer both ongoing SEO campaigns and also have SEO consultants available on a per-project basis. Choosing the right plug-ins and configuring your extensions, as well are reviewing the code base, is an extremely important step before launch.

When improving your SEO, one of the first steps is a full-site analysis. Is your website code up to date? Are there speed issues? Are the keywords you’re targeting the right ones to be going after? We’ll review your entire SEO strategy and deliver you a 20+ “proven methods” checklist for you to see where the website is falling short. Understanding how your website is currently put together will allow our team of SEO professionals to develop a plan for future success. There are also many SEO elements that are behind the scenes. Items such as page descriptions, title tags and more need to be edited to deliver Google’s algorithm exactly what it wants.

Magento SEO
Stay Updated On The Latest Version of Magento

As we discussed earlier, you should strive to keep your Magento platform updated to the latest version of Magento. As improvements are made, Magento will gradually release updates, many of which will have improved SEO support features. Staying updated will also help protect your site from bugs, since Magento patches known security loopholes periodically.

Magento 2.0 launched in 2015, and there have been several updates and security patches over the last four years for 2.0.

If you’re still running a 1.X version of Magento, you should strongly consider upgrading to 2.0 or switching to a new eCommerce platform altogether.

Change Default Settings

When setting up a store on Magento 2.X, the default Title and Meta Description need to be changed immediately! Here’s how to do that:

1. From your Magento admin, navigate to Content > Design > Configuration.

2. On the default store view, click “edit.”

3. Scroll down to find the HTML Head section, where you can edit your store’s default title, description, keywords, etc.

Magento SEO
Magento SEO
URL Optimization

By default, your version of Magento may automatically add store codes to your URL. You 100% do not want your eCommerce store to be configured in this way, but beware, changing URL without the direction of an SEO expert could have major negative consequences! Instead, go to Store > Configuration > General > Web > URL Options. Here, you can set “Add Store Code to URL” to “No.”

Bonus Tip 3.5! You can remove from your Magento URLs for a cleaner, more SEO friendly URL structure, by selecting “Yes” for “Server URL Rewrites.”

Product Image Optimization

Optimizing your eCommerce site’s product images is essential on any platform, especially Magento. Follow these best practices to ensure your images are well optimized, which should help the product page rank, but also helps these images show up in Google image searches which can be an additional source of traffic:

1. Use file names that describe the image and product, instead of random numbers or letters.

2. Use alt text to describe the image thoroughly, using target keywords in your description.

3. You can find these settings under Catalog > Products. In “Configurable Products,” double click on the thumbnail. Then click “Go To Details Page.” From there, you can see image size, resolution, and add alt text, etc.

Magento SEO
As a Magento SEO Services Expert We Offer the Following:

OuterBox builds successful SEO campaigns, regardless of the website’s platform. Our competitive advantage is that we are an eCommerce-focused SEO agency with in-house Magento developers and marketers. Our Magento SEO agencies benefit from working with an SEO team that is fluent in Magento and supported by developers for tactical execution and consulting.

1. Technical Magento website analysis
2. Keyword research
3. Magento speed optimization
4. Content development strategy
5. Internal and external link building
6. eCommerce conversion optimization
7. URL optimization
8. Detailed SEO reporting
9. & much more
Magento SEO FAQS
Q. What is Magento SEO?
Magento SEO services refer to SEO services rendered for a website(s) operating on the Magento platform. While big-picture SEO strategies are effective across all website platforms, implementation of advanced tactics can require technical knowledge of coding or the Magento platform. To maximize the search engine visibility of your Magento store, we recommend working with an SEO company that is experienced with Magento websites and that has in-house Magento developers.
Like all CMS and eCommerce website platforms, Magento has its strengths and weaknesses related to search engine rankings and visibility. A strong SEO strategy will lead to an effective SEO campaign regardless of the platform. The main downside with Magento is that certain strategies may cost more to implement than with other more SEO-friendly platforms. There are plenty of Magento stores on the web that rank very well for competitive search terms in Google’s search results. If you are concerned about your online store’s ability to rank organically in search, reach out to us today for a free audit! Magento has made many improvements and added core SEO functionality that it previously lacked. Magento has improved immensely over the years, but its early reputation for being a bad SEO platform has been hard to shake. Regardless, if you’re on Magento, we can take you to number one Google positions.
While most of the SEO services provided by your SEO agency will not be limited by your website’s platform, it’s still important to work with an SEO expert that has experience with Magento.SEO services on Magento will include typical SEO services like content development, on-page optimization, link building, etc. as they would with any online store. The Magento-specific services have to do more with the implementation and tactical execution of those strategies can sometimes require a Magento developer or someone with more advanced knowledge of how Magento works.
Reach out to us and we’ll be happy to provide you with a free SEO audit of your Magento store, with no hidden costs or obligations. We’ll analyze what you’re doing right and what areas you have for SEO improvements using our 26-point “proven eCommerce strategies” checklist.
Implementation of some SEO tactics may require a Magento developer and have greater costs than on a more SEO-friendly platform. Apart from that, you’ll need to make all of the same SEO considerations when migrating to Magento as you would with any platform. Implementation of SEO migration best practices such as 301 redirects, content migration, and dynamic title tags may require the use of an extension.
Both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, there are many other considerations to make besides SEO when it comes to picking a platform. We recommend reaching out to an eCommerce consultant to help determine the best eCommerce platform and CMS for your online store.

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We have partnered with great companies and entrepreneurs all over the world. And, provided the best service for them
 SEO Services