Ride Sharing Mobile App

We ensure your vision for a perfect business website with a user-friendly design and appearance to catch emerging technologies and trends.

  1. Multiple vehicle listing

    This feature allows the driver to list other vehicles apart from his car with the app. If he wants to list a bike or another car he can do so and create a request for riders to ride those vehicles too. It gives them a chance to earn from all the transport means possible to him.

    Multiple drop-off points

    In this fast commuting world, allow your users to schedule multiple drops during a ride. This will give them the convenience of completing their work in ‘one-go.’ With traditional taxis, they had to constantly hail taxis when they go out to finish small errands. 

  2. Trip history
  3. Reviews and ratings
  4. Number of trips completed
  5. Amount earned, sorted by date/week/month/year
  6. Number of trips rejected
  7. Upcoming or scheduled trips
  8. Canceled trips